There were no chocolate easter bunnies to bite the ears off of. No Peeps, no foil-wrapped-parafin-laden chocolate eggs. But we had these!

And this

Last year at this time, I was in eastern Washington. I had moved there temporarily to take care of some family business.
Prior to relocating I had decided that I was NOT going to subject myself to the never ending dark and dreary that is Seattle. One way or another, I was outa here. ( oh and when I make up my mind... )
When I was in the where-will-I-escape-to phase of the process I would attend our Sunday dinners and find my friend David looking at me seriously and asking in a number of different ways: "How can you just pick up and leave your friends behind?"
Maybe I am overly idealistic or maybe I just don't take the time to consider all the details (especially after I've made up my mind). Not maybe, I AM overly idealistic. Period. And details schmetails. I told David that "I can make friends ANYWHERE!" Oh, it hurts to even TYPE that now.
I was working with only one or two details. #1. I need to get someplace where the sun actually visits for more than one month out of the year (exaggeration) and #2. I can make friends ANYWHERE! I didn't stop to consider much of anything else. Really.
I'm back now. I was gone for about a year and a half. I am the epitome of Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. There's NO place like home. There's NO place like home. I'm so happy to be back. More on this life-lesson another time.
So, the frigid April temperatures are not something I'm willing to complain about. Sideways rain cannot shake my resolve to be grateful that I live here. Even if Seattle has another June-uary I will be the one with a smile on my face while wearing fleece. Well, all of Seattle wears fleece year round so you might not be able to spot me in the crowd.
Before the move, I would have attended yesterday’s Sunday dinner. But back then, I would have sat on the couch while we were visiting and gazed out the window and inevitably would have made some snarky comment about the blackened skies to the north. Yesterday I found those skies beautiful, full of power and personality. Not just because I was sitting close to the fire but because I was basking in the warmth of my very close friends.
And the little lamby did nothing to hurt my Pollyanna resolve either.
No matter what the skies to the north were saying, it was spring time and our table would reflect that truth from the buttery roasted fingerling potatoes to the tender, threateningly-green beans.
The salad was not original but was an idea that had originated at Porcella Urban Market (R.I.P.) where Owner Kelly Gaddis and Chef Noah Mellich were constantly inspiring and delighting with their profoundly simple but intelligent kitchen concoctions. This salad was a combination of baby arugula (Rocket), hard-cooked eggs, crispy pancetta and shaved, aged Pecorino cheese. The dressing:an earthy truffle vinaigrette.

Nancy had marinated the racks of lamb over night and Chris worked his MacGyver magic on the fire in his grill to bring that lamb to bloody perfection! There were a few squeamish (end piece) carnivores, but for the most part: moan-worthy lamb

Meanwhile, back in the house... We labor not.

I think it’s a sign of great food or abundant wine or stimulating conversation or maybe just really comfortable dining room chairs when dinner and dessert have been cleared away and everyone remains at the table to linger and visit. This is often the scene at our Sunday dinners.

And in the midst of appreciating it all….
The sun paid us a beautiful Easter Sunday visit!