I WISH I could take the high road and not lament about extreme weather conditions when they occur. In fact, I'd like to keep the negatives regarding weather on the down low. You know what mom said: "If you can't find something nice to say....." Right now the only nice thing I can think of saying is "good grilling weather". Am I right? There's no way "cooking" is finding its way into the sweltering day's schedule!
The last few days have been spent with one friend or another at a pool, on a deck, laying low and moving slow. Opening bottle after bottle of refreshing bubbly Prosecco and eating cold slices of sweet Hermiston watermelon.
Eventually, the brutal sun fades away and the notion that something more substantial than a piece of fruit and a glass of bubbly should round out my diet for the day.
Not far from where I'm staying is a local produce stand combined with a lovely meat market called Shawn and Ted's. When I head home to the city, Shawn and Ted's is the place I miss shopping the most. The people are friendly and helpful but really, it's the best meat I've found in a long time. The butchers like to chat with you about what you're going to do with the meat you're buying. They will butterfly a leg of lamb for you, trim and cut your kabob meat while you wait, offer suggestions. It all feels very personal, almost to the point where there's that moment of silence and you're sure you should extend a dinner invitation to the butcher.
These ingredients spread out over three evenings.
When the mercury rises but our energy doesn't having food ready to rock and roll is music to live by. There is a lot to be said about siestas and good books and water misters and friend's pools and not having to think about what is for dinner.
I've been roaming. I've done some form of house sitting or pet sitting since May. I cannot believe so much time has passed since I started living out of a suitcase. It has been the most interesting summer in that way. But now I'm ready to go home to my familiar roommates and my urban nest and unpack for a while. I have allowed myself to be stretched this summer in regards to having "my" things around me. My comfort zone has had to reside within me not in my surroundings. Though my schedule that has looked suspiciously like a middle school girl on summer break it has been a memory-making, journal-worthy experience.
I've enjoyed the fun, the hospitality and the company of a variety of great friends. Now I'm ready. Ready for change.
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